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about the story of 'heavenly lies'


Funny little sidenote: I really thought I could fit this in one book, hence why I interchangeably refer to the story of the entire series as 'Heavenly Blood'. I only came up with the series title 'Heavenly Lies' a solid year after I started writing it.

The beginning of this entire series' story is weird, because it has its origins in another story - it's on this website, and you can read it from the clickable link on its page. I don't particularly want you to (I have complicated feelings about it, which I may talk about at some point), but you can read that story if you want.  Whenever I decide to share Heavenly Blood with the world, I'm sure you'll spot a number of similarities easily.

The story is Ink Stained.

There is a whole background to the beginnings of that tale as well, but the short of it is, that story eventually landed me in Japan for a few years. While living there, I found out about a short story writing competition, called the Launchpad Prose Competition. I figured that I'd enter it, but the thing is, I am a lazy writer. I'm a lazy person overall and don't like expending more energy in things than necessary, so it's not out of the ordinary that that extends to my passions as well.

What I did was I took a segment from Ink Stained that I particularly liked and reworked it so that it would be more palatable/relatable to a western audience, rather than the Japanese characters/settings/everything that is Ink Stained, and edited it down to a 6,000-word entry. Then I sent it off on its way and thought that would be the end of that.

It was not.


my story with my story

I didn't end up getting very far in the competition in the end, but after I had submitted it, I could not stop thinking about the reworked version of that scene-turned-short-story, mostly because I had subtly built-in hints of a larger world to the original short story. It was those hints I couldn't let go of, and before long, I was sitting down every morning for the better part of two years and fleshing that story out until it has become such an immersive world my brain is never fully disentangled from on a daily basis.

Before I started working on Heavenly Blood, I hadn't been able to write for nearly 2 years. It was absolute hell, to go from writing non-stop since I was 10 years old, to a sudden dry spell - the ever-dreaded writer's block - that came out of nowhere, and lasted for years. In no small part was this because of my overall negative experience living in Japan for half of that time, and the previous half...well, general IRL problems never stopped popping up.

When I finally rekindled that spark of writing beyond the block - in my case, the way I write has always been near-obsessive - it felt like a breath of fresh air. Or like I'd been hit with a gentle defibrillator that doesn't look quite as jarring as medical TV dramas make them look. It felt like I was normal again, like I was myself again, because finally I was writing again. Properly writing, not half-hearted editing I consistently kept forgetting to do until I just gave up all together, as had been the status quo up until that point.

That being said, I didn't expect Heavenly Blood (and the series as a whole) to get quite as big as it has. By this I mean the worldbuilding. Good god did that hit me out of absolutely nowhere, and I wouldn't change a thing. As frustrating as it can be, I dearly love every bit of the experience - creating worlds, but also the languages spoken in them, and the physical looks shared across cultures (had to create that too), fashions and hairstyles, histories of warring demon gods.


I'm still in the process of doing all this, building upon all I already have by this point, and it fills me with excitement every time I think about how much there's still left to do and explore within the world I created in Heavenly Lies - the kicsin realm*.

*I have a massive and constantly being updated/added-to dictionary for the various languages in this series, I shall add it somewhere on this site when I reveal more about the book(s).

where are my inspirations from?

A variety of things inspired and continue to inspire me as I write Heavenly Blood. Maybe if you've seen/read some of these things too, and whenever I decide to share Heavenly Blood with the world, you'll be able to pick out what's in it that was inspired by these.


Disclaimer: credit to each and every single image used on this website goes to the original artists, unless otherwise specified. I have tried to link to the original art/artist’s online pages when possible. I got most if not all of the images from Pinterest or random Googling, and didn’t/couldn’t trace the artist to ask permission to use these. Since I’m not profiting from them, I hoped it’d be okay to continue using them unless that otherwise changes. If any of these are your artwork and you don’t want them on here, please let me know.

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